Back to the future with an Altair!
Retro computing is one of those things that I dabble in. I’d like to do it more, but there’s this thing with time that I don’t have a lot of. But during one of my breaks this last year, I was able to put together one of the AltairDuino Altair replica kits. It’s cool because of all the effort that went into building it and the fact, that I have a dedicated Altair sitting next to me on my desk. One of the semi-recent updates to the emulation code allowed me to run Z80 CP/M (as opposed to the real 8080 stuff). Lots of fun code can be run this way including Turbo Pascal and such.
But – I wanted to know how fast this was. The canonical test of the time was/is the Sieve in basic.
I took the code I had laying around from my experiments with my Atari 800 and modified it to run in the more limited space of the simulated CP/M environment. The change was to put a % next to the flags
variable. In MBASIC that marks it as an 8 bit integer. Without that, the program runs out of space. Here’s the code:
10 DIM FLAG%(8191)
20 COUNT = 0
30 FOR I = 1 TO 8191
40 FLAG%(I)=1
60 FOR I = 0 TO 8190
70 IF FLAG%(I+1)=0 THEN GOTO 150
80 PRIME = I+I+3
100 IF K > 8190 THEN GOTO 140
110 FLAG%(K+1)=0
130 GOTO 100
140 COUNT = COUNT + 1
150 NEXT I
And here’s the time stamped output of the run:
[2019-12-24 13:59:10] run
[2019-12-24 14:06:09] 1899
[2019-12-24 14:06:09] Ok
How’d I get the timestamps you ask? Well a bit of background on that. The Altair didn’t come with a "console". You used a serial port to connect it to some sort of terminal. What I’ve done is used a USB to serial cable that connects my iMac to the Altair. I then used minicom
which I install via homebrew
. One of the options of minicom is to timestamp all the output lines in the serial connection.
Anyways. My little emulation thing ran the sieve in just under 7 minutes. Comparable to a time appropriate machine. Cool.